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Cifra de Charly García: All I do the whole night through
  • Letra e Cifra
9/10 (3)
Arthur Freed & Nacio herb Brown
Pubis Angelical [1982]
Enviado por Diego
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C D EDo Re Mi 
Formato de Texto 
Intro: [D Adim A7] 2 veces
D All I do the whole night through
A7 [Adim A7] Is dream of you. All I spent in sweet content
D ┌A--6-5-4-3-2-┐ Dreamin' of you. |E------------| |C------------| └G-2-2-2-2-2--┘
G You're every thought, you're everything,
G6 You're every song I ever sing
E7 A7 Summer, winter, autumn, and spring.
D A7 [Adim A7] And were there more than 24 hours a day, They'd be spent in sweet content All I spent in sweet content
D ┌A--6-5-4-3-2-┐ Dreamin' away. |E------------| |C------------| └G-2-2-2-2-2--┘
G When sky's are gray! When sky's are blue!
G6 E7 Morning, noon, and night-time, too!
D All I do the whole day through
E7 A7 D* [C#7 C7 B7] Is dream of you!
E7 A7 I spent all my month
D Dreamin' of you. ######################## # Acordes para UKELELE # ######################## GCAE ||||
D 2225 |||| Adim 2323 ||||
A7 2434 ||||
G 0232 ||||
G6 0202 ||||
E7 4242 ó 1202 ||||
D* 7655 ||||
C#7 4544 ||||
C7 3433 ||||
B7 2322 ||||
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