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Cifra de Charly García: It´s only love
  • Letra e Cifra
8.21/10 (6)
Demasiado ego [1999]
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Intro:[C Am] x2
C Em Bb F Gsus4-G I get high when I see you go by,
G(#5) every night.
C Em Bb F Gsus4-G I get high when I inside just dries,
G(#5) every night.
F G C Am Why am I so shy when I’m beside you?
Bb G It’s only love and that is all,
C Am why should I feel the way I do?
Bb G It’s only love and that is all,
F G but it’s so hard loving you. Every night when I see you go by every night. Every nightwhen you makes night time bright, very bright. Haven’t I the right to make it up, girl? It’s only love and that... Yes, it’s so hard loving you,
C Am C Am loving you. Fin:[C Am C] desvaneciéndose.
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