Cifra de Dover: The Hitter
Cristina Llanos
Late at Night
DO#m I was just a hitter
SOL# on the top of the mountain
LA MI SI no one told me the truth
DO#m they lift you to the top
SOL# and then they kick you to the bottom
LA MI SI you know how bad it feels.
SOL# DO#m hey! this is who I am
SOL# MI SI don't forget about your rage
DO#m LA SOL# Oh, oh, that was ilegal
MI SI and nobody cares
DO#m I just had the beater
SOL# but the beater would leave me
LA MI SI no one told her the truth
DO#m they lift you to the top
SOL# and they they kick you to the bottom
LA MI SI you know how bad it feels
SOL# DO#m hey! this is who I am
SOL# MI SI don't forget about your rage
DO#m LA SOL# Oh, oh, that was ilegal
MI SI and nobody cares
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