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Cifra de Fun people: No llores
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Enviado por Aaron
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Intro: B5 - D5 - A5 - E5 Con B5-D5-A5-E5 I don't know, but I think so that loneliness is not so bad To looking for, and find yourself Bah!, In fact I don't like it But always try to looking for the good things in a bad times But always try to looking for the good things in a bad times Estribillo:
B5 G5 E5 Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, in the late of the night!! Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, in the late of the night!!! no, no! Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, in the late of the night!!! please.. Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry, in the late of the night!!! Repite Primera Estrofa Repite Estribillo Con B5 - A5 - B5 - E5 If you are alone in another night read now your favourite book If you are alone in another night and tell me what you feel Solo Con B5-D5-A5-E5 dos veces Termina con estribillo
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