Cifra de Kevin Kaarl: Selfish pretty girl
Kevin Kaarl
San Lucas [2019]
Capo en 1ª traste

RASGEO  º↓↑↓

 (º significa bajo del acorde)


Em C G
Em C G You're crying all the night
Em C G Your eyes are made of glass
Em C G And when nobody is there
Em C G You break, you break, you break
Em C G You break, you break, you break
Em C G You are missing more and more
Em C G But you fucked up the plan
Em C G You selfish pretty girl
Em C G And now you can't go back
Em C G And now you can't go back
Em You're hurting mai'
C G He didn't come back
Em C G Here on our road to San Lucas
Em C G You are afraid of being alone
Em C G But you can't play with everyone
( Em C G )
Em C G You are missing more and more
Em C G But you fucked up the plan
Em C G You selfish pretty girl
Em C G Now you can't go back
Em C G You selfish pretty girl
Em C G You break, you break, you break
Em C G You break, you break, you break
Em C G You break, you break, you break
( Em C G )
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