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Cifra de Melón Diesel: You're chocolate
  • Letra e Cifra
9.5/10 (2)
Melón Diesel  corregir
Real [2002]
Enviado por Diego
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C D EDo Re Mi 
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Las notas en el CD las hacen usando cejilla   Am:577555
Intro: Am 3 veces G:355433 E:022100
Am You're chocolate
Am G cola coloured eyes, sweet in everyway
G Am a warm breath of fresh air that goes into me
Am G music are the words that you say to me
G you made me strong believing that Estribillo:
Am Dm I can say just what I want
G I can say just what I feel
E now chocolate you know me Please say just what you say just give me what I need cos chocolate you know me You were chocolate a lover in disguise but not a wife for me your perfumed scented aura put a spell on me now I just can't break free from the memory that makes this so believing Estribillo
Am Dm G E Oh sweet chocolate, say that you're mine
Am Dm Oh sweet chocolate, everything's fine
G E Oh sweet chocolate, now I don't know why Estribillo Solo con notas del estribillo Estribillo
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